life really is a b*tch

But then again, so am I.

This ecard pretty much sums up my love life.  Who is waiting with bated breath to find out what’s the next pile of shit I’ll fall into?


  1. That was SO my life last year…and has been my life multiple times! Hilarious e-card, but I’m going to hope it holds NO meaning for you!

    • I feel like in some instances, it’s already been my life 😦 Enough seriously f’ed up moments, but it’s not all thaaaaat bad, I guess.

  2. Apparently Life watches CBS on Mondays.

    • And Life lives by the Bro Code, which would explain a lot!

  3. Yeah, it’s easy to find/get a man, it’s just finding/getting/spraying whipped cream on/ the right man, am I right?

    • The wrong men are everywhere! It’s that elusive right one that I can’t seem to find!

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